Monkey mod
“Monkeys” are decko/card users who extend functionality by writing mod code using Decko’s DSL. This mod supports monkeys by:
- adding helpful gem dependencies to support debugging and consistent code styling
- providing code enhancements for debugging, especially via
virtual cards.
Sets modified
All cards
| pattern | |:—-:| | All |
The #events
and #events_tree
methods help visualize the events that a card would
execute for a given card action.
The :views_by_name
and :views_by_format
views show the views available for a
given card.
All +*debug cards
| pattern | anchor | codename | |:—-:|:—-:|:—-:| | Right | *debug | debug |
Add +*debug to any card to see information about sets, views, events, and cache usage.